What is ENL?
Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador is a registered charity that was founded in 1983. Before it’s inception, there was very little support or information available for struggling parents or individuals within the province. While small at first, ENL soon began to grow and expand, offering support and services to the growing number of men, women and children living with epilepsy in Newfoundland and Labrador. ENL is a founding member of The Canadian Epilepsy Alliance/Alliance Canadienne de l’Epilepsie (CEA/ACE). The CEA/ACE is a partnership between several grassroots epilepsy organizations Canada wide. They are dedicated to the promotion of independence, quality of life, and full community participation of persons with and affected by epilepsy. Our organization relies on the generous donations from local businesses and the community to help develop programs and services dedicated to advocacy, education and support for individuals as well as their families. ENL remains committed to working towards awareness and understanding, as well as bridging the gap between the social realities of living with epilepsy.

Our Mission
Our goal as an organization is to share information and educate the public about epilepsy; and to adopt any measures necessary to improve the health, strength, and well-being of those with epilepsy in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Previously Loved Clothes and Things
Did you know that Previously Loved Clothes and Things is our social enterprise? Every donation given to our store helps to raise funds for Epilepsy NL. We accept clothing, housewares, electronics, furniture and much more. We gladly accept donations at the store level with a donation bin located at the store entrance or at the warehouse door throughout the week. We offer free pick up of items to make it more accessible to all those that wish to donate. If you would like to make a donation or have questions about how to arrange for a pick up please visit previouslylovednl.com or call 709-722-5571.