Past and Present
Back in 1983 a mother and founder was talking with her son’s doctor. The diagnosis was epilepsy. That mom, like so many mothers before and after her was very troubled by the news. Epilepsy – what was it, what would happen, would her son be ok?
The mom decided to learn as much as she could about epilepsy. Searching for support and information, she found little. Something was needed in Newfoundland and Labrador to provide people with epilepsy and their families with the help they needed. And so it was that this mom decided to do something about it. She gathered together a small team of volunteers, and from their work and dedication Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador was born.
While small at first, ENL soon began to grow and expand, offering information and services to those in need. Bridging the gap between the medical and the social realities of living with epilepsy. Today, ENL offers a wide variety of programs and services available to its members and to the public. ENL remains committed to working for awareness, understanding and assistance.
Our Mission
To share information, and educate the public on the subject of epilepsy; and to adopt any measures necessary to improve the health, strength, and well being of those with epilepsy, wherever possible, in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador Board Members (2024)
Executive Director: Sara Burry
Health Educator:
President: Ron Stone
Vice President: William Westcott
Secretary: Patsy Lush
Treasurer: Anne Marie Hagen
At Large:
Pauline Duffy
Bernie Larkin
Edward Pilgrim-Turner
Joseph Callanan
Medical Consultant: Dr. A.O. Ogunyemi, M.D., FRCP (c)
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